Stem Wave Therapy

Try Stem Wave therapy in Erie, PA, by booking a treatment session with Dr. Brian Zimmer of Chiropractic Care & Rehabilitation Center.

What Is Stem Wave Therapy?

Chiropractors can treat your injuries using various tools and techniques. Many of the services they provide, such as chiropractic adjustments, spinal decompression, and therapeutic massage, are fairly well known. However, their lesser-known service offerings can also yield benefits that will improve your condition long-term.

One particular service offering we want to discuss here is Stem Wave therapy. For those unfamiliar with the term, Stem Wave therapy involves using a machine powered by an electro-hydraulic system. While in use, the machine releases focused sound waves that penetrate deep into the body.

Those sound waves will stimulate the soft tissues in the area being treated. The constant stimulation is helpful because it draws out a cellular reaction from your soft tissues. The cellular reaction will improve circulation in the affected area.

What you’re experiencing at that moment is Stem Wave therapy triggering a healing response. This type of therapy may be the solution you need if you have soft tissue injuries that won’t go away. 

Stem Wave therapy is non-invasive, so you can get it done anytime without feeling ill effects. You don’t even have to clear your schedule to accommodate your appointment. Once your treatment session at the chiropractor’s office is finished, you can go about your day without limitations. There are also no side effects to worry about if you opt for this course of treatment.

Experience the benefits of Stem Wave therapy in Erie, PA, firsthand by consulting Dr. Zimmer of Chiropractic Care & Rehabilitation Center.

What Can You Expect during Stem Wave Therapy?

Are you curious about the experience of undergoing Stem Wave therapy? The treatment session itself tends to be uneventful.

The chiropractor will start by asking about the ailments and injuries you’ve been dealing with. They will also ask about the specific parts of your body that are currently in pain. After that, the chiropractor will activate the machine and begin working on your body.

During treatment, you may feel nothing beyond the pulsing sound waves. The pulses are also relatively weak on the surface. They won’t register that much and certainly aren’t strong enough to cause discomfort.

Let the chiropractor know if the sound waves are going where they need to. They can adjust if necessary.

Stem Wave therapy is also relatively short. Your treatment session should be over in around 10 minutes.

Dial 814-825-2196 and set a Stem Wave therapy session in Erie, PA, with Dr. Zimmer of Chiropractic Care & Rehabilitation Center.


9:00 am - 6:00 pm


9:00 am - 3:00 pm


9:00 am - 6:00 pm


11:00 am - 7:00 pm


By Appointment Only





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